HAVE YOU HEARD Dr. Miracle Anyanwu‘s STORY?
I pray it encourages someone and boosts your CONFIDENCE in God today:
Sometimes, the tears of joy would not stop. When I begin to think about [or ponder over] my life – what it was and what it is today, all I can emotionally say is THANK YOU, JESUS!!!
I’ve been through some ‘highs and lows,’ ‘ups and downs’ in life but in all, my Way-Maker still showed up and made a way.
Although this little boy the Lord helped was miraculously conceived and born after several years of barrenness, his life was still pushed against the wall and everything seemed it was over for him. #ThisKindOfGodWeServe
My parents discovered that from childhood, I was a chronic stutterer. Mine was so chronic that I had to jump up 7-10 times before uttering a single word out of my mouth. That’s how bad it was. I was constantly mocked and picked on as a child by my peers in school. As a result of my chronic speech impediment, I would use a pen and notebook to convey my thoughts to the people around me, more especially, when I was asked questions of any sort. I avoided public appearances due to the embarassing predicament. Trust me when I tell you, it wasn’t a great sight to behold. Everything about me looked so hopeless. The questions in the minds of many during that trying period were “where are all the manifestations of the prophecies made over Miracle’s life before his conception? Is it that God lied or the prophet lied?
BUT GOD… Can someone scream BUT GOD?
At the age of 13, an unbelievable miracle took place one red-letter morning as I woke up; just to discover that my speech impediment had gone. Is Jehovah Rapha not worthy to be forever praised?
I developed a strong enthusiasm for General Medicine and Surgery, and as a result, I focused more on science subjects.
This same little boy who was an ‘Acrobatic Chronic Stutterer’ became the Senior Prefect/School Captain [The President/Official Representative of the School] at GOVERNMENT SECONDARY SCHOOL OWERRI CLASS OF 2001] and to the Glory of the Almighty God, he came out in flying colors as one of the best students in the country of Nigeria in the year 2001 after sitting for WAEC & JAMB Examinations [for entry into tertiary institution]. As a result, God’s Grace found me and I was awarded a Federal Government Full Scholarship to study ‘General Medicine’ in the best medical college in the Russian Federation, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University in the city of Moscow for a good seven (7) years. Bear in mind, throughout my duration in Russia, we never studied anything in English, rather, in Russian. That means I studied General Medicine & Surgery in Russian Language. #butGod..
12 years ago, I graduated and emerged as one of the best medical students in the Russian Federation [summa cum laude]. Those days still look like yesterday to me. How God looked mercifully at a helpless, poor chronic stutterer like me who was constantly ridiculed at a very tender age, picked me up from the miry clay and still placed my feeble feet on a solid rock. Who am I that He’s mindful of me?
To cut the whole story short, I am who I am today ONLY by His Grace. Only Grace. Nothing more!!!
I just want to use this medium to encourage anyone out there going through any unfavorable or unpleasant situations.
LISTEN: God works in mysterious ways. His ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts, our thoughts. Although the prophecy was publicly given that I would be a world renowned speaker and preacher [and so on…], nothing about me at that time matched the prophecy.
God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. He allows some circumstances so that His name ALONE would be glorified and no earthly man would take the Glory.
LISTEN: Never give up. Keep pushing. Don’t give up on God, for He hasn’t given up on you. He is more than ABLE.