Dr. Miracle Anyanwu
The founder
Dr. Miracle I. Anyanwu is a prophetic voice and end-time revivalist divinely called to preach the gospel after his parents’ miraculous journey through years of barrenness. As a dynamic worship evangelist, preacher, teacher, songwriter, motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur, and medical doctor, his life is a testament to the extraordinary power of God’s promises.
Born in fulfillment of a prophetic word given at a revival meeting, Dr. Miracle’s life from birth has been marked by the miraculous. The guest minister declared: “By this time next year, you shall give birth to a bouncing baby boy, and his name shall be called Miracle. He will be a covenant child with great promise and divine destiny.” True to the prophecy, Dr. Miracle was born, embodying a life filled with awe-inspiring testimonies.
Grace Miracle Anyanwu
Vice president
Grace Anyanwu (Grace Miracle Anyanwu) is a dynamic psalmist, inspirational speaker, minister, entrepreneur, life & leadership coach, business consultant and author. Her mission is simple yet profound: to lead individuals into deeper encounters with God, inspire purposeful living, and empower others to thrive.
With a vocal anointing that transcends earthly melodies, Grace has left audiences captivated as she ushers them into God’s presence. Her ministry has taken her across the United States and around the globe, touching countless lives through her angelic voice and powerful teachings.